The Campaign is so very, very different from multiplayer. I lost count at around 20 things that are not in multiplayer. ( SPOILER: Firebats, Medics, Goliaths) and a slew of other completely unique vehicles and building upgrades. Why these were left out of multiplayer baffles me. Some of them are so friggin’ amazing.
Starcraft 2 campaign achievement effects upgrade#
These intractable areas are full of things to do like interact with characters, view the next missions, and the best part is that you get to customize. Your play-through of SC2 might be different than mine. You get to upgrade units and buildings, buy upgrades from a skill ladder, and choose the order to complete many missions. Graev did his so different from mine that he had Vikings on a level where you have to defend a base and I had siege tanks and special turrets. He unlocked his vikings by playing a different level first.

Starcraft 2 campaign achievement effects how to#
I’ll spoil absolutely nothing about the story here so worry not. What I want to talk about is how Blizzard has inserted between missions this hub-like area where you see characters rendered as full models (like a MMO, if you will) and you can click on various things in the room. I have no idea how to describe this type of interaction but imagine if you will a room where things are interactive by… clicking on them. Okay I’m repeating myself. Just look at the screenshot on the right.

The title says it all. I’ve spent the entire day playing the campaign (not even near finished) and I can’t put it down. Blizzard has taken the RTS model that they already mastered - and were leading in the industry - and innovated on top of it and reset the bar even further out of anyone’s reach. Cantina abord your capital ship that you can interact with.